
smiling little girl with half blown dandelion

Success Stories

  • “My oldest daughter went to Old Adobe School on a scholarship. She didn’t start out on a scholarship. My husband and I had some very tough times, financially, and the scholarship fund helped us work through the difficult times.
    The education at Old Adobe was so great! Not only was my oldest more than prepared for elementary school academics, she was very confident that she could do it. She felt ready and knew she was smart… the social engagement she participated in every day really helped her be ready to problem-solve in a larger group. Because we had the help of the scholarship, a huge weight was lifted off my husband and me and it was one less thing to be worried about… it lent us more time to present with our children at home.”

    Old Adobe Parent, 2014
  • “Mi hijo llego a la escuela de Adobe Viejo hace tres anos. Solo podria pagar 100 dolares al mes. Adobe Viejo paga el pagado el resto. Esta en primer grado ahora y en la parte superior de su clase. Adobe Viejo era muy bueno para el.”

    Translation – “My son came to Old Adobe School three years ago. I could only pay $100 a month. Old Adobe paid the rest. He is in first grade now and at the top of his class. Old Adobe was very good for him.”

    Old Adobe Parent, 2015
  • “In regards to the Blue Rose Foundation, I want to thank you guys for helping my son get into preschool. He loved every bit of it, always had a smile on his face when it was time for school. He loved the activities and playtime and when they had story time he loves to listen to people read. All the teachers were very great and patient with my son. Thank you again for all your help.”

    Castle Child Care Parent, 2018

Our Story

The Blue Rose Foundation was created to honor the memories of our family members, friends, teachers, and mentors. To pay tribute to those who inspired us, we support programs that give children the ability to reach new heights of success. Reaching at-risk children early is critical to this success. Nobel Prize-winning Professor of Economics James Heckman has demonstrated that investing in pre-kindergarten programs for disadvantaged children provides a significant return on investment to society, improving literacy, high school graduation and employment rates, as well as reducing delinquency and violence.

Old Adobe School

Founded over 40 years ago, Old Adobe School’s mission is to provide high-quality, early-childhood education to a diverse population. OAS serves children aged 2 to 5. Old Adobe School draws from a variety of educational philosophies and current educational and scientific research and is, in great part, based on exploration. Through observation, conversation and research, the staff and children select areas of interest and investigate. Because children are naturally curious about the world around them, they provide an endless number of explorations. OAS hopes to develop a keen interest in the natural world, positive peer interaction, self-regulation, and artistic expression while offering the time and space to grow. With low teacher to student ratios, teachers can focus on early literacy as well as the children’s social, emotional, and physical development. In a warm and supportive environment, children are given the opportunity to make choices and decisions, organize their own activities and develop confidence in their own abilities, thus leading to greater self-regulation, one of the best indicators of future success in school and out.

Old Adobe School Website

Laurel Hill Nursery School

Laurel Hill Nursery School started in 1947 as the Presidio Nursery School. In 2017, LHNS celebrated its 70th anniversary at its new location in San Francisco’s Laurel Hill neighborhood. Member families and staff team together to provide young children with an affordable, safe, caring environment in which they learn through play and connection. Members gain support for their parenting by working side by side with early childhood educators while having the opportunity to build a strong community for their family. The Laurel Hill philosophy is to encourage the development of children in an environment that promotes self-esteem. Ultimately, the sense of self-esteem and accomplishment enables a child to develop natural inner controls based on self-discipline and creativity rather than inhibitions; on guidance rather than dependence, and on respect for the ideas of one’s self and others. Children get a chance to engage in deep play for extended periods of time. Additionally through play, children are given the opportunity to develop intellectual, social, emotional, physical skills including; social confidence, intrinsic values, negotiation skills, strong fine and gross motor skills, increased independence, heightened capacity for language and pre-literacy skills, self regulation, and problem solving. By allowing each child the time and environment to discover and develop at their own pace, LHNS creates a love of learning that will continue through life.

Laurel Hill Nursery School Website

Laurel Hill Nursery School exterior shot

Mustard Seed School

Mustard Seed school is so much more than just a school. Located on Loaves and Fishes grounds, an organization that supports the homeless in Sacramento, CA, Mustard Seed School is an emergency school for unhoused children ages 3-15. Each month, thousands of students throughout the Sacramento region experience homelessness. Using a Montessori based curriculum, MSS provides a safe, structured and nurturing environment for students while their families seek stable and permanent living situations. Children receive healthy meals, new backpacks with school supplies, clothes, survival supplies, counseling, health screening, and access to routine and or urgent health care. Through years of experience and service, MSS understands that children not only lose physical shelter when they experience homelessness, but also basic safety, stability and a nurturing community of caring teachers, custodial neighbors, and connections with friends. As a result, MSS remains a place for these students to reconnect with these positive influences and most importantly, experience a sense of true belonging.

Mustard Seed School Website

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100% of your donation supports preschool
education for underprivileged children

100% is tax-deductible

Tax ID (EIN) 47-2603416


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